Renowned European Email Marketing System
Easy to use, effective and lawful email marketing Reliable email delivery, precise results tracking and analyses No hidden costs or commercial messages Full user support free of charge

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Successfully start with email marketing - Why and How?

Successfully start with email marketing - Why and How?

Email marketing is a "de-facto" most effective form of direct marketing. However - caution! - this is about the email marketing, not email sales. Do you know the difference? [ more... ]

Quality commercial email communications ≠ »SPAM«!

Quality commercial email communications ≠ »SPAM«!

First rule of successful newsletters and other mailing formats is to unconditionally respect your recipients and legislation. By having your email marketing organized correctly, you can do your part in freeing our world from unsolicited email. [ more... ]

The 11 reasons for email marketing with Casteo

The 11 reasons for email marketing with Casteo

Merely tracking email opens and clicks just doesn’t suffice any more. Would you like to measure your recipients interest and brand awareness? [ more... ]

Small and medium business is an easy to use turn-key solution: no startup costs, no lenghty user training. All you need to start you already have: a computer and internet.

Large enterprise and organizations

Dedicated messaging systems tailored to the specific business process demands, synchronizations with CRM, adaptive solutions for structured business environments and project groups. - Turn-key as well.

users say...

»The fact that they take all suggestions for system improvements so seriously and they also realize them (instead of merely saying that this or that function is just not available) is their big advantage. It is nice to know all Casteo users with their wishes and suggestions constantly contribute to the service development - for themselves and all other users.«

Wojtek Grudzinski,
marketing director, Rokus Klett Publishing Ltd.

Casteo customers include

  • Reference
  • Reference
  • Reference

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