Order new user account

You can start using Casteo today. There are of course no activation fees. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our expert user support by phone +386 1 25 11 330 or by email.

Order subscription package:

Large 3XL mailing list

Please fill in your information.

1. Contact information

First name: / Last name:

First name:


Last name:


2. Organization

Organization name:

City and Country:

VAT number:


Official address:

ZIP code:

Authorized representative:

How did you hear about Casteo?


We respect your privacy. We will not store personal data from this form into any database.

What comes next?

You will shortly hear from our expert consultant. He or she will prepare the Casteo user agreement for you and clear any questions you might have. The user agreement is open ended, however if you for any reason decide to stop using Casteo, you are always free to terminate immediately - at the end of each billing month.

If you wish, you can also discuss your email marketing strategy with the consultant and possibly receive some valuable advice.

We will make sure you can start using Casteo and send your first campaign today!

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call our user support line at +386 1 25 11 330 or contact us by email.


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